There are many gray areas in the field of criminal law. If you have been wrongly charged with dissuading a witness or a victim, you are probably caught in the middle of just such a gray area. Defining what constitutes a legitimate instance of dissuading a witness can be tricky for both a judge and the prosecuting attorneys. If you are dealing with a charge of this nature, you want to find the most qualified legal team to handle your case. Contact the Law Offices of Bradley R. Corbett to find out how we can help you with your case.
There are a few key things to know when facing a dissuading a witness charge. First, to be convicted of this crime you have to meet a set a criteria. You must have knowingly interfered with a witness or a victim when either this individual was aiding police with your arrest or preparing to testify against you in a court case. You can also be accused of dissuading a witness or a victim if you prevented an individual from reporting a crime you were involved in. The prosecution has to prove you were directly and specifically involved in such acts in order to successfully convict you of this crime.
Given the nature of the relationship between the victim, potential witnesses, and the alleged offender, Dissuading a witness or victim charges are especially common in domestic violence cases. For example, if someone is charged with domestic violence, and attempts to prevent the victim or other witnesses from cooperating with law enforcement or testifying in court, they could be charged with dissuading a witness or victim.
Call the expert criminal defense team at the Law Offices of Bradley R. Corbett to get the best representation you can for your case. We offer free consultations to all of our potential clients to give them an accurate opinion of how we can provide a better outcome for your case. Our San Diego criminal defense lawyers go the extra mile to ensure that your rights are preserved and that your charges are lessened or dismissed.