Probation violation hearings are not something you want to face alone. The San Diego criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Bradley R. Corbett offer vast experience in representing defendants facing probation violation hearings.
Probation is a form of supervisory sentencing that a judge may impose on a person in lieu of jail time. Probation is basically pleading guilty to a crime and instead of receiving jail time, you receive a checklist of certain things that you must fulfill, certain things you can no longer do, and rules you have to abide by. If you’ve violated any part of the probation including:
- Failure to pay a fine
- Failure to appear in court
- Failure to comply with a court order
- Committed a new crime during probation
- Failure to report to a probation officer
- Not submitting to drug tests
Then you may face a probation violation hearing. The San Diego criminal defense attorneys at the Law Offices of Bradley R. Corbett can help!
First, we strongly recommend you try to clear any warrant possibly issued for your arrest due to the probation violation as soon as possible. By voluntarily appearing before the judge, you are drastically improving your chances of an improved outcome. By securing the legal counsel of a skilled attorney such as Bradley R. Corbett, you are increasing your ability to move on with your life. Don’t leave your life in the court’s hands. Call or visit Bradley R. Corbett today for help regarding your probation violation hearing or other legal matters.