San Diego is a wonderfully diverse and beautiful city. If you are you wondering which part of San Diego is the best place to set down roots, take a look at the affordability info and crime stats (for January 2017-June 2017) of some of San Diego’s best neighborhoods. 1. Mira Mesa Residents of Mira Mesa […]
Fake IDs in California: The Consequences & Defenses
When possessing or creating a fake id in California, the laws are no joke. Here they are spelled out, along with the possible consequences of being caught and the defenses that can be used to fight a conviction. California’s Fake Identification Laws A fake identification as defined by law is any identification card normally issued […]
Understanding the Recent Changes to California Marijuana Laws
The 62-page-long Proposition 64 made some significant changes to laws regarding marijuana in California. At that length, though, it can be hard understanding them all as they apply to you. In order to help make sense of all the legal details, we’ve put together this guide, explaining what’s legal now, and what’s not. Who Can […]
Comic-Con Survival Guide: San Diego 2017
General Information When: Thursday, July 20 through Sunday, July 23. Where: San Diego Convention Center 111 W. Harbor Dr., San Diego, CA 92101 Parking There are a few companies that are selling reserved parking stalls online. The only two that are officially on Comic-Con’s website are ABM Parking (via ParkWhiz) and ACE Parking. There are […]
What You Can Expect from the DUI Trial Process
You’ve been arrested for driving under the influence (a very serious charge) and are shocked and scared and don’t know what to expect next. No matter the circumstances surrounding the arrest or your own personal situation, it is imperative that you talk to an experienced San Diego criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. This […]
A Summary of San Diego’s (or California’s) Newest Laws and How They Affect You
Laws are constantly changing to accommodate new technologies, trends in crime, and societal changes. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the new laws as they are passed and enforced. As an experienced San Diego criminal defense attorney, I’ve gathered a few of San Diego’s (or California’s) newest laws for you to […]
I Was Arrested for Fraud; What Should I Do?
Fraud charges are serious: fraud offenses are usually felonies, and can result in fines, probation, jail time, and even a prison sentence up to 15 years per offense. But like any criminal charge, there is still hope, as long as you take appropriate steps to handle the situation. First, though, you need to know what’s […]
I’ve Been Charged With Public Intoxication, What Do I Do?
Getting a public intoxication charge can be both embarrassing and life-altering. Having a skilled criminal defense attorney at your side can be the difference maker in being charged and getting off. Public Intoxication is a highly subjective matter and it is best to consult with a professional who has your best interests in mind. What […]
I’ve Been Falsely Accused of Child Abuse, What Should I Do?
False accusations of child abuse are more common than what you might think. We see a lot of cases from parents who are involved in difficult custody battles. Just because these accusations are common, it doesn’t take away from the seriousness of them. Being falsely accused of child abuse is a heart-stopping, horrifying event and […]
I Got A DUI While On Probation, What Can I Expect?
Probation Defined Probation is a type of sentence for a criminal offense. The convicted person was sentenced to jail, but that sentence is suspended for a number or months or years while to be released in the community. The probationer has to follow certain conditions. Common conditions include: public service, paying fines, maintaining good behavior, […]