The Law Office of Bradley Corbett

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619-800-4449 760-201-9839

What Is Considered Child Endangerment?

What is Child Endangerment? Child Endangerment occurs when an adult places a child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment. This can occur through an act or omission. Some states punish child endangerment as its own offense, and others include it as a type of child abuse. Although there are […]

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Can Passengers Drink Alcohol In A Car?

Most everyone knows the law that you cannot be under the influence of alcohol and be driving. You also cannot be drinking while you are driving, but what about the passengers in the car? Are they allowed to drink alcohol if they are not driving? Open Container Laws An open container law prohibits people from […]

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I Was Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence. What Do I Do?

First, what is domestic violence? On it is defind as, “a crime of violence, typically an assault, battery, stalking, or criminal harassment, perpetrated by someone against a family or household member”. Being accused of this can lead to criminal charges and can ruin reputations.  If you’ve been accused or charged with domestic violence, it […]

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Student DUIs: Facts & Stats

This week’s blog post is brought to you by Select Insurance Group – a leading provider of high-risk, personal auto insurance. Alex, part of Select Insurance Group’s team, has contributed some awesome information regarding student DUIs and the consequences that could happen because of it. Did you know that 15% of the licensed drivers in […]

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Fake IDs in California

Sometimes you’ll hear stories about a friend using their brother’s ID to get into a club and the fun they had. The stories that you don’t hear are when they get caught and the ramifications of using someone else’s ID or using a fake ID. While it gets glorified in Hollywood movies and TV shows, […]

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Driving With A Suspended License In California

Each year thousands of people have their driver’s license revoked or suspended in California. Having your license suspended can cause a big headache for you and your family or friends. Now you’ll have to find someone to drive you around, pick you up, or take public transportation. So, what circumstances can your license be suspended […]

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Gun Crimes In California

With recent mass shootings across the country the issue of gun ownership and gun crimes has come to the forefront of the American mind. At The Law Offices of Bradley Corbett we deal with firearm offenses all the time. We also know that California has some of the strongest gun laws in the nation. The […]

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