This is our third installment on our domestic violence series. Domestic violence is when a violent act is perpetrated against a family member, a member of the household, or an intimate partner. Domestic violence can also be the threat of violence against someone. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. You may know of someone who was/is […]
Domestic Violence Statistics
As we mentioned last time October is Domestic Violence Awareness month. We’ve compiled some surprising domestic violence statistics that are both alarming and shocking. Domestic violence is a heinous crime, but there are some people that make false domestic violence claims to further their legal battles or other personal agendas. Check out the infographic and […]
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. To recognize the impact that domestic violence has on people, the community, and the victims we’ve decided to dedicate our monthly blog posts to raising awareness to domestic violence. Each year 2 million injuries are reported because of domestic violence, and 1,300 deaths are a result of […]
7 Great Apps To Help Combat Drunk Driving
According to the GHSA, nearly 30 Americans die every single day due to alcohol-related car accidents. That adds up to around 10,000 fatalities per year. Those in their early twenties are at especially high risk, and account for a third of the deaths. Traditionally, driving under the influence has been combated by advertising campaigns, DUI checkpoints, […]
Where Does California Rank For DUIs?
Where does California rank for DUIs? Each year nearly 11,000 Americans die in alcohol-related car crashes. The most common time of the year for these crashes are during the summer and holidays. AVVO did a great post on 6 of the deadliest holidays because of drunk driving. While it may not surprise you that […]
Hablamos Espanol
Hola! At The Law Offices of Bradley Corbett we believe in providing the best legal defense for people of all races, tongues, and nationalities. That’s why we expanded our offices to better meet that promise. That’s why we’re proud to say: ¡Hablamos Español Ahora! Our experienced legal team has handled cases throughout San Diego and […]
The Sad Case of Jared Fogle
Jared Fogle’s rise to fame was almost as fast as his downfall. Jared came to notoriety for his “Subway diet” where he lost around 200 lbs that he credited from eating Subway sandwiches. In 2000, Jared’s story gained national attention and he became a spokesperson for Subway. Last month, Jared entered into a plea deal […]
[Infographic] DUI Costs By State
Each year millions of Americans drive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. In 2012, 29.1 million admitted to driving under the influence of alcohol. Every 53 minutes a person in America is killed because of a drunk driving related crash – that’s 29 drunk driving deaths a day. A drunk driving conviction can […]
A Global Look at Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a crime without demographic, gender, or national border, making it a global issue. While men do and can fall victim to domestic violence, women and children are its highest numbering victims. Domestic violence is a behavior wherein an individual attempts to establish power over another individual through fear and intimidation. To understand […]
Travel Safe for NYE in San Diego
We all know that it’s wrong to drink and drive. Not only is it illegal, but it also kills many innocent people every year. Just last week, over the Christmas holiday, there were two fatalities in San Diego County caused by drunk driving. When you’ve had a few glasses of champagne this New Year’s Eve, […]