I’ve Been Charged With Public Intoxication, What Do I Do?
Getting a public intoxication charge can be both embarrassing and life-altering. Having a skilled criminal defense attorney at your side can be the difference maker in being charged and getting off. Public Intoxication is a highly subjective matter and it is best to consult with a professional who has your best interests in mind.What Is Considered Public Intoxication?
Contrary to what some would think, public intoxication is not drinking in public or being drunk in a public place. Public intoxication (also knowns as “drunken or disorderly conduct”) is being so inebriated that you become a threat to those around you and yourself. Police officers often get carried away when arresting people for public intoxication. People arrested for public intoxication are sometimes just buzzed or slightly drunk, not causing harm to those around them. If you are cited for public intoxication, you must have been in public to be convicted. Public places include streets and sidewalks, public businesses, restaurants, clubs, shopping malls, parks, etc. Private places are homes and apartments, garages, or things on private property.
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What Are The Consequences Of Public Intoxication?
The consequences of public intoxication are severe and could affect your life long after your arrest. Being convicted of public intoxication could result in probation, up to $1000 in fines and up to six months in county jail. This charge would also go on your permanent record, which could adversely affect future job opportunities.What Are Common Defenses To Public Intoxication?
Under California Penal Code 647 (f), there are three defenses to a public intoxication charge.- The person in question was not in a public place.
- There is insufficient evidence to convict the person in question.
- The police officer who charged the person in question violated their civil rights.
How to Get Out of a Public Intoxication Charge
If you are charged with public intoxication, the first thing you need to do is call an experienced criminal defense attorney. Remember, if you are convicted you could be facing jail time, a hefty fine and a mark on your permanent record. It might not seem like a big deal now, but a stain on your permanent record could prevent you from getting a job. Employers take this into consideration when they are hiring, and if they see a charge like this, they may not hire you. Do you really want a mistake like this affecting your life years after the charge? Save yourself from future problems and hire an attorney to protect your rights. Don’t let a silly charge be put on your record. The Law Offices of Bradley Corbett can help you resolve your issues in a stress-free way.How to Get Public Intoxication Expunged
Having a clean record can make all the difference.
Here are five main benefits of an expungement.
- Getting a job
- State licenses (Such as Real Estate License)
- Professional organizations 4)
- Personal satisfaction and 5)
- Immigration consequences (An immigrant can avoid being deported for a first time controlled substance possession).

Bradley Corbett
Bradley Corbett is a criminal defense attorney in San Diego. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah in 2004. Later he enrolled at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where he participated in a prestigious internship program with the Los Angeles County Public Defender. Since then he has handled over 2,000 cases.