.08 BAC vs .05 BAC
Recently the National Transportation Safety Board said states should shrink the standard from the current .08 blood alcohol content to .05. San Diego has a limit of .08 but this new proposal would lover the legal limit to .05. More than 100 countries have adopted the .05 alcohol content standard or lower, according to a report by the board’s staff. This proposal would be opposed by me because I do not believe people are impaired at .05. A woman weighing less than 120 pounds can reach .05 after just one drink, studies show. A man weighing up to 160 pounds reaches .05 after two drinks. They are also weight the IIED. Which is not very helpful at preventing more DUI’s. The board has previously recommended states require all convicted drunken drivers install the interlock devices in their vehicles as a condition to resume driving. Currently, 17 states and two California counties require all convicted drivers use the devices. However, only about a quarter of drivers ordered to use the devices actually end up doing so, NTSB said. Drivers use a variety of ways to evade using the devices, including claiming they won’t drive at all or don’t own a vehicle and therefore don’t need the devices. I believe Los Angeles is one county that requires this. But if you own more then one car, then you can just put it on one car. Its not a good law.
Bradley Corbett
Bradley Corbett is a criminal defense attorney in San Diego. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah in 2004. Later he enrolled at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where he participated in a prestigious internship program with the Los Angeles County Public Defender. Since then he has handled over 2,000 cases.