Animal Cruelty Laws in San Diego

Animal Cruelty Laws and Penalties in San Diego
Animal abuse and cruelty can happen in a variety of circumstances, including leaving an animal unattended in a vehicle, dogfighting, cockfighting, or malnourishment of a pet. The definition of animal abuse can include any situation in which an animal is treated wrongfully or neglected. Intentional abuse or neglect can include physical abuse, deprivation of food or water, or animal torture. Anyone convicted of an animal abuse felony could serve six months to three years in state prison or pay a fine of up to $20,000.Facts About Animal Cruelty
Though it can be hard to imagine what motivates a person to abuse an animal, it happens all around us. Here are a few animal abuse facts:- Thousands of greyhounds die every year in the name of selective breeding.
- Much of the fur in the U.S. comes from China, where dogs and cats are often skinned alive for their fur.
- Every major circus in the U.S. has been cited for violating minimum animal care standards.
- 90 percent of chickens raised for meat production have trouble walking.
How to Report Animal Abuse
If you see signs of it, it’s important to know how to report animal abuse. Try to gather as many details as possible to give a complete description of the signs. Then, initiate an animal cruelty investigation by calling (800) 540-SPCA (7722) or by filling out an online form. If you see an animal locked in a car, however, you shouldn’t hesitate to call 911 immediately.
Animal Abuse Defense
If you’ve been accused of animal cruelty, Bradley Corbett can help. Some overzealous animal rights activists report animal cruelty wrongfully, which a skilled lawyer can defend you against. We understand that animal cruelty does not apply to all animals, for example. There may be other factors that could contribute to a favorable outcome for you. If you were acting in self-defense, you might not be convicted of animal cruelty. Also, if your intent was not malicious or intentional, you could avoid conviction. Contact Bradley Corbett Law today to learn more and get the help you need with your case.
Bradley Corbett
Bradley Corbett is a criminal defense attorney in San Diego. He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah in 2004. Later he enrolled at Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego where he participated in a prestigious internship program with the Los Angeles County Public Defender. Since then he has handled over 2,000 cases.