The Law Office of Bradley Corbett

Call 24/7 for a free consultation. Nighttime and weekends welcomed.

619-800-4449 760-201-9839 Contact Us Now!

Over 17 years of experience
619-800-4449 760-201-9839


Also called anal sex, this is the act of a male inserting his penis into the anus of another person without their consent or into that of someone who is incapable of giving consent (such as a minor, a mentally disabled person, or a person too under the influence of alcohol or drugs to consent or resist). It is a felon in every state.

Contact bradley 24/7 nights & weekends

Don’t wait until it is too late! Delaying or even denying yourself the counsel and strength we can provide you could have life changing consequences. Call us today and let an experienced San Diego criminal defense attorney help you protect your freedoms, life, and family.

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